Spring Busy-ness

Near the end of March, things get really busy around here. I’m busy judging various writing contests and acting like I know something. I’m an officer of a couple of organizations, one of which requires several hours of work per month.

My house is in dire need of a good Spring cleaning, and my yard…don’t even get me started. I need to schedule my schedule. So my blog posts have been a little skimpy lately. I doubt anyone really noticed, because everyone is so very busy. After all, it’s Spring.

So, since I really need to be cleaning and reading and writing, etc., this post will end with a couple of announcements and a meme. Well, maybe not a meme, because I forgot to make one. Anyway, I hope you’ll bear with me through all this busy-ness, because in a short few weeks, I have another book coming out. I’m so excited! And…there will giveaways! So watch this space.

Short, short stories!

Do you like to write really, really, really short stories? Like, for instance, six-word stories? Quite a challenge, I know.

During the month of April, at Writing Prompts & Thoughts & Ideas…Oh My! we’re having a little fun with six-word story prompts. Each of our Monday and Friday posts will offer a 3-word prompt for you to finish as a six-word story. That means you only have to come up with three words to finish the story. The best of those entered will be publicized on Facebook and Twitter on a weekly, or even bi-weekly basis (if we have enough entries). Then the Writing Prompts crew will vote on their favorite. The winner will receive a gift card and even more publicity!

Sounds like fun, huh? You might want to click on over there now (here’s another link) and follow the blog so you’ll get an email when we post. This month, we’re talking about our favorite modern authors. Next month, it’s tips on cleaning (Ugh–just in time for spring cleaning).

One other really cool thing about the Writing Prompts blog–every Wednesday–we feature a different writer in a post called “3 Questions Wednesday.” Those writers almost always give away a book to one reader. All you have to do is leave a comment on their 3 Questions Wednesday post. But pay attention to the interview date. If they’re giving a book, it’s usually the next week after their post runs.

So that’s all my important news for now. I have to get back to my work-in-progress. I left my protagonist in a mess!

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