A Few Good Books Reviewed

Hello Thursday Morning!

It’s been a while. So much has happened since last I posted. My husband of almost forty-six years went to the doctor with chest pain and a few weeks later, underwent a multiple-bypass surgery.

He did very well and thankfully, I was able to remain with him during his three days in the ICU and three more in the cardiac ward. Only six days total sounds like a miracle to me but bringing him home presented new challenges. However, God is good and rich in mercy. My husband is now recovering nicely and itching to get back to a more normal life. He prefers to be in the driver’s seat.

Life as a chauffeur to numerous doctor visits translates into more time for me to read (like the chauffeur in Sabrina who originally took the job to have more time to read).

I read three books, which is more than I’ve read in a year. I’ve written short reviews for all three.

The Captured Bride by Michele Griep

Historical fiction, upstate New York, 1759

I knew I was going to like this book from the first moment I picked it up. It’s been on my TBR pile for nearly two years since I bought it when it first came out. Anyone who has ever read a Michele Griep book will not be disappointed.

What I liked most: The prose. Michele Griep is an artist who paints “wordscapes.” Her scenes are rich and vibrant. I often took the time to reread a scene because it was so beautifully written.

What I liked the least: Some of the scenes were so gut-wrenching and action-packed, I wanted to chew my nails. I couldn’t set it down but had to know what happened next.

In a nutshell: I highly recommend this book, especially if you are a fan of historical fiction. The research is spot-on but not overdone, so there are no info-dumps, just richly written scenes. I loved the colorful characters, too.

One thing that drew me to this story, in the beginning, is the setting. My husband’s family is from Upstate New York. I’ve visited there, so I was familiar with many of the landmarks and rivers named in this novel.

Breaking Point by Marji Laine

Mystery, romantic suspense.

This is another one I grabbed as soon as it was released. I had started reading it but life got in the way. It’s the second book in the Heath’s Point Suspense series. I haven’t read the first book but that didn’t harm the story. However, now that I’ve read book two, I definitely want to read the first one.

What I liked most:  The author has a good handle on writing this genre. The suspense remained taut throughout.

What I liked the least: What I would like to say would be a spoiler, so I’ll just say I was a little frustrated at times with the main character. She was not at all what she seemed in the beginning (a good thing because I didn’t like her). Sometimes we are too quick to judge, however. Once I knew a little more about her past, I better understood her life decisions.

In a nutshell: If you love romantic suspense and big, crazy families, you will like this book. My recommendation would be to start with Book I Counter Point. The action level is high, so they make a quick read.

The Cowboys, Jennifer Uhlarik, Linda W. Yezak, Cindy Ervin Huff, and Sandra Merville Hart

The Cowboys is a Western collection of novellas. I’ve been a fan of western fiction since my childhood, so this book kind of felt like that chocolate bar you keep hidden on the top shelf in the pantry. Author Linda W. Yezak was the main reason I bought it, but the other three did not disappoint. I loved all four stories and would have a difficult time choosing my favorite.

What I liked most: The length. Each novella-length story is a breeze to read, especially since I loved all the characters.

What I liked the least: The length. I could easily have read more about each of these. I’d arrive at the end and think, “already?”

In a nutshell: I whole-heartedly recommend this collection of novellas, especially if you are a big fan of western historical romance. If you’ve never read it before, this is a great way to try it on for size. It’s also a great way to try out new authors. These four are quite talented and well able to stand on their own, which makes this collection worth so much more. This one goes on my reread shelf (kind of like that secret stash of chocolate—shh! Don’t tell my husband!).

Buy Links:

The Captured Bride

Breaking Point

The Cowboys

A Winning Partnership

The demise of another local Christian bookstore. The dwindling number of books in the Inspirational/Christian section of other bookstores…

Hello, Thursday Morning readers! I’m so happy you stopped by. On Saturday, Sept. 21, I’ll be signing Annabelle’s Joy at our local Barnes & Noble. Throughout the month, I’ve received their online newsletter and it’s exciting to see my name listed in the Upcoming Events.

This morning, I’m thinking about that. It’s an opportunity, one that I’m thankful for and I’m not going to take it for granted. This type of opportunity is not only priceless, it could disappear tomorrow.

If you’re a writer, take advantage of the opportunities offered. Visit your local B&N and see what you need to do to either get books on their shelves, or be hosted for a book signing. When they host you, they do a great deal of marketing on your behalf. Your name and book may be on a poster in their front window. And, you’ll be listed in their online newsletter, on their Facebook page, and other venues.

Yes, I’m a member of B&N. I paid a small sum for a card that gets me on their newsletter list and saves me money when I make purchases at their store. I shop there whenever I can, because they’re local, because I have friends who are on staff. And they’re offering me a wonderful opportunity, to get myself out there. To be seen, and to be heard of, if only for a few moments.

I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity, not only as writers, but as readers.

Click-to-Tweet: When you hear that an Inspirational/Christian writer will be in the area signing books, give them a moment of your time. Stop in to meet them. Don’t let this opportunity pass.

I’m supporting local business and they’re supporting me. Seems like a win-win. 🙂

Support Local Business and Me! I’d love to see you.

After the Launch

Taking it Easy Now

After the book launch, one may think it’s time to relax. Wrong. Now, the real work begins. The launch of a new book loosely compares to the birth of a new baby. Now that it’s out, it needs constant attention for a while. Serious stuff.

I would never leave a newborn infant alone. It would die without my care and nurturing. That beautiful little bundle of deliciousness needs loving care. Same with a new book. I have to feed it by sharing it with others. I talk about it, take it out to show it off. I schedule book signings and events and parties.

If nothing else, I advertise it, market it, blog about it. Whatever I can do to help it grow. But don’t crowd friends and family, lest they run when they see you coming. 🙂 Look farther out!

But that’s enough about business. It’s a gorgeous day as summer meanders toward fall. The corn is tall, the moon is full, and they say we’ve one more night to see those three beautiful planets lined up in a row.

If you have a new baby, be it a real infant or a brand new book, I pray your journey is blessed beyond measure. As with a child, it’s more important to spend the time and enjoy the moments than to bask in the limelight. Enjoy the season and take time to see the sights.

Launching a Book

Yes, I know it’s not Thursday (tomorrow is), but it is release day for Annabelle’s Joy. It’s one of those times that authors celebrate with great trepidation—did you know you can be trepidatious? (Silly side note). Apprehension may be a better word for the way I feel.

All I know is, I’m eagerly awaiting the outcome of this one.

If you’re a regular here, you already know what the book is about. If you’re not a regular, thanks so much for stopping in. You’ll find more information at the end of this post. What I really want to do right now is introduce a few folks who helped me get to this point.

Marji Clubine is the owner of Write Integrity Press, the publisher of most of my books. Those of you who self-publish have an idea of what goes into the publishing process. Marji gives of her time and talent and I appreciate it more than I can say.

My editor this time was Lillianne Kohler. I’ve not worked with her before. She has a good eye for detail. She did an excellent job, finding my mistakes and smoothing out the rough spots. I’m the first to admit, I need all the help I can get. Which reminds me of three others, Nike Chillemi, Gail Johnson, and Kristi Robinson Horine, the members of my ACFW critique group. All my chapters have passed through them at least once. They make a great team and are some of my best cheerleaders.

I can’t keep going day after day without the encouragement and prayers of my family, my church, and my closest friends. Not only do they show up when I have a booksigning, but they urge me on during the downtimes. “When will the next book be coming out? I can’t wait to read it!”

I am so humbled and honored to be loved by a man who gives me the freedom and the time to spend staring at my computer, making up stuff. He’s been more like a coach than a cheerleader, and he inspires me to keep pressing on by showing me how. He keeps going, keeps believing in me, even when things don’t look promising.

Annabelle’s Joy is dedicated to a couple of friends I’ve known since they were in high school. Patti and her sister, Linda, lost their husbands within months of each other. In the following days, months, and years, I watched prayerfully as the two made their separate journeys through this deep sorrow and loss. Sadly, these were not the only losses they’d endure over the next few years. I was inspired by their strength (though they didn’t feel strong). But isn’t that how it usually is?

When we are weak, He is strong. God shows up in the dark times, giving us strength to continue on. Though I couldn’t begin to know what it was really like, their experience helped me flesh out Annabelle’s struggle to overcome her losses.

If you’re on Facebook, come visit the event page for the book launch! I’m giving away several prizes, and also giving opportunities for you to help with my release. There’s no purchase necessary, you just need to check in by clicking “Going” at the top. That will get you entered in the drawing. Then, feel free to read the posts and take part in any discussion.

Now, here’s how you can help: There will be a post titled: Reviews from Readers. If you’ve read one or both of the Kinsman Redeemer books, please leave a short review on the event page (I loved it! is a great review).

Here’s the link to the event page:

Facebook Event Page for the Book Launch: Annabelle’s Joy

If you’re not on Facebook, you can still enter to win prizes by leaving a comment on this post, or via my Contact Me tab on this website. Just say, “Count me in” in the message (or something similar).

Another 3 Questions! I’m also on the Inspired Prompt blog today, answering their 3 Questions. Here’s a link to the interview: 3QW at Inspired Prompt.

A 1950s Clean & Wholesome Romance

She’s waited too long. When Tom proposed last year, Annabelle wasn’t ready to open her heart to another man. Pain still held a thin crust around it. Time has healed her heart, but with a new woman in town, one who clearly has her sights set on Tom, does it matter if Annabelle’s heart is ready to love again?

Folks in town are keeping a close eye on their pharmacist, hoping to be the first to hear the good news. He’s been courting the widow Cross for nigh on two years now. Annabelle Cross better wake up and put her dancing shoes on. Mr. Tom is prime real estate.

Drift back into the simple, country life of Tennessee in 1957 with this sequel to award-winning ANNABELLE’S RUTH.

Annabelle’s Joy – Kinsman Redeemer, Book 3

Genre: historical romance

Author: Betty Thomason Owens

Release Date: August 7, 2019

Amazon Buy-Link: https://www.amzn.com/B07TXQRKG3/

What Happens Now

Hello, Thursday Morning readers! I’m looking at sunshine and blue skies right now. And a big, yellow forsythia bush, the abode of an extremely territorial and illusive cardinal.

This morning, I took a long, leisurely walk in the sunshine. On the way back, I noticed all the flowers blooming. The really early ones, like crocuses and grape hyacinth. Wild flowers too—well, weeds, really—but they still have beauty.

Sunshine certainly improves the mood. And it energizes me. But I didn’t need a lot of help today. I’ve completed the final book in the Kinsman Redeemer series. In a few days, I’ll send the manuscript to my publisher and then I’ll wait. And hope.

I’m excited about this final book for several reasons. It’s the last in the series (kind of sad). This ends me working on two series at the same time (not doing that again). And, it means something new is coming.

That’s not all. The final Kinsman Redeemer book is a baby without a name right now. I’m calling it, “book three.” And I have to confess, I went through an entire box of tissues writing the end of this book. And they were good tears. As I drew to a close, the readers on my critique loop were sending me threatening emails: please DO NOT send through another cliffhanger. So I had to send through two chapters at once. 🙂

What happens now? As soon as the manuscript is on its way, I’ll start building my Pinterest board for this book. I loved doing that for Rebecca’s Legacy. If want to follow me on Pinterest, click here. Then the marketing begins. Stay tuned!

coffee, cup, laptop, memeIt started with the book of my heart. I wrote a story near and dear to my heart, set in a familiar place and era. It was a retelling of the story of Ruth, that mixed in elements of my mother’s life.

The final book brings the story to a satisfying finish. As Annabelle’s neighbor, Tom, says, “Once you have Annabelle Cross in your corner, she’s there for life.”

Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His,
And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.
For His anger is but for a moment,
His favor is for life;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy comes in the morning.—Psalm 30:4-5 NKJV

See you in April!