Over the Hill Love

Hello! Thursday MorningHello, Thursday Morning readers! I’m so glad you’re here. I’m writing another chapter of my latest work-in-progress, and I just realized something.

My main character is … well … kind of “over the hill.” She’s not a young chick, not even a pullet (that’s an adolescent chick). She’s already been married, raised two sons. She’s a grandma! chicken, hen, dominecker

She might be in love with her next-door neighbor. He’s a real hottie, though he’s also up there in years. Yes, they’re both approaching fifty, and love is definitely knocking at the door.

I’ve read a lot of books about young love. Falling in love, and getting married—I used to dream about it. Then it happened to me. I guess you could say I’m living the dream. I’m content where I am, but it’s still fun to read the stories.

Lately, I’ve read a few love stories that feature older couples. In fact, I’ve seen several movies on television, too. It’s kind of refreshing, because you know, it happens. All the time. Couples divorce, or one of them dies, leaving the other all alone. Some are content to stay single, others are … not.

I met a man at my church who remarried within a year of his elderly wife’s death, because  he “couldn’t be alone.” His new wife joked that his late wife had done everything for him, so he literally couldn’t be alone.

This is not the case with the guy in my book. Tom Franklin’s been single for many years. He’s lived on his own all that time. He’s a successful businessman, but he’s lonely. He grew up with Annabelle Wade (now Cross). He loved her in high school, and hoped to one day marry her. But she ran off and married a sailor. Now she’s back, and he can’t get her out of his head, or his heart.casal-1818171_1280

Will these two end up together? I hope so, but there are some definite problems in their way, and who knows? Maybe they’ll decide it’s better to stay single. That’s a realistic ending, isn’t it?

What do you think? Do you like reading an “over-the-hill” romance?



What If Everything Changed?

This is release week for me, as the final book in the Legacy series, Rebecca’s Legacy launched.

Book 2, Carlotta’s Legacy, is still on sale for 99¢, so here’s an excerpt from the book, and a video created by my publisher:

4 November, 1929

Rebecca Lewis stared at the angry crowd gathered outside the bank where she’d worked as a secretary for only six weeks. It was Monday morning, almost one week after Black Tuesday.

What was she to do? Dare she cross the street, try to maneuver through that mob?

While she struggled to decide, her gaze fell on a familiar face behind the wheel of a brown Model A sedan—Robert Emerson, her best friend’s husband. She waved to gain his attention then ran toward the car when he halted.

He opened the car door from the inside. “Jump in. I think we better hit the road.”

She slid onto the seat next to him and closed the door as something hard hit the window.

Robert mashed the gas pedal and sped away.

Rebecca turned to gaze out the back window. “Thank you. I had no idea what to do.”

He checked his mirrors, then glanced at Rebecca. “I’m glad I happened along when I did. Apparently, someone recognized you as a bank employee.”

With a quick look in his direction, she braced herself with a hand to the dash as he made a hard left.

“Sorry. Another crowd up ahead.”

She laid a gloved hand at the base of her throat as her heart thumped. “Why are they doing this?”

“Panic. Everyone wants their money.” His eyes met hers. “Where’s your father?”

“He’s in New York. Trying to recover something … or other.”

“As is everyone—trying to recover something, I mean.”

She watched his profile, the hard set of his jaw. The last few weeks had been especially hard on him and his family. “What about you? Woods-Sanderson?”

“We’re all right, for now. Amelia was a smart lady. She diversified, invested worldwide.”

“This is worldwide, isn’t it?”

“Well, yes, but …” he pulled into his driveway. “I hope you don’t mind if we cool our heels here. Nancy’ll be worried. You know how she is about listening to the wireless.”

Rebecca nodded. “I suppose I could use your telephone. Call my boss and let him know I tried to get there.”

“Good idea. If you need backup, I’ll be glad to put a word in.”

She smiled at him as he exited the sedan and walked around the car. She knew to stay put. Ever the gentleman. Nancy was one lucky lady. Of course, she would call it blessed. Rebecca fiddled with the ring on her finger, hidden beneath her gloves. Had she made the right decision? Caught up in her thoughts, she jumped when Robert opened the door.

He grinned. “Sorry, did I startle you?”

She blew out a breath. “Yes, a little. I’m rather distracted.”

“Nothing to worry about, you know. It’ll all come to rights.”

Rebecca’s Legacy (Legacy #2)

Her life is in a downhill plunge.

Rebecca Lewis is a reluctant bride-to-be. Marrying Riccardo Alverá, a young Italian count, may seem like a dream come true on the surface, but churning underneath is nothing but trouble, questions, and doubt. Especially since the marriage means leaving the only home she’s ever known, possibly for the rest of her life.

The death of her globe-trotting father cements her fate, however. She and her mother have no choice but to set sail for Italy and the virtual stranger who awaits her.

The beauty and tranquility of the Alverá estate fails to ease Rebecca’s heart as political unrest shakes the core of Italian society and despair entwines itself around her heart.

Will marrying an Italian count bring Rebecca the love she’s dreamed of, or doom her to relive her past mistakes?

Available now on Kindle for only 99¢

Buy link for Carlotta’s Legacy

Special Edition – Hello Tuesday Morning!

Bonus Offering!

Carlotta’s Legacy, Book 2, is also 99¢ all week. Today, you can download all THREE books for less than two dollars! Buy Link for Rebecca’s Legacy

[Click to Tweet] Happy Launch Day Rebecca’s Legacy! August 7, 2018 #NewRelease #Kindle #99¢ One day only! A 1940s historical romance – Amy Juliana Emerson might be a cultured debutante, but she’s doing her best to follow her mom’s rebellious footsteps.

I hope you’ll take advantage of this GREAT sale offered by my publishing company. Here are all the details about the new release:

What will it take to teach a spoiled heiress about the greatest legacy?

Amy Juliana Emerson might be a cultured debutante, but she’s doing her best to follow her mom’s rebellious footsteps. Her desperate attempt to escape her father’s control, however, comes at the worst possible time.

Robert Emerson has received a threat against his family in an attempt to take over his company, Sanderson Industries. To guarantee his willful daughter’s safety, he sends her to work on a produce farm run by her Aunt Rebecca. Maybe her quiet strength and unconditional love can work on Amy, keep her from becoming the prodigal daughter she seems insistent on being.

Matt Wordsworth is the man Robert calls upon to make sure his daughter stays in line. His only interest in the beautiful girl is purely part of his job. Purely. Amy considers him a fuddy-duddy which suits the situation perfectly, allowing him to stay close to her without concern for her losing her heart to him. And his own heart … well, his feelings didn’t matter. This was business.

Humiliated and angry, Amy contemplates a path that will lead her even farther from home and away from Dad’s protection. Rebecca’s influence begins to change her feelings about everything, even about Matt, but Amy might find she’s playing into the hands of the enemy.

Click this photo to buy Amelia’s Legacy and Carlotta’s Legacy!

NOTE: All my Write Integrity Press books are available in Kindle Unlimited.