A Legacy of Love

CloudsInFlightAt the time of this posting, I’ll be on my way home from Ecuador. I’m certain I’ll have lots to tell you about our trip. Just getting ready to go has been an amazing journey for me and also for the three others on our team.

I’ve learned a few things about human nature. I’ve learned there are a great many loving individuals out there who will give sacrificially to a cause they believe in. Sometimes, they gave because they love us and want to support us. So I shed a few tears as I unfolded wadded-up hundred-dollar bills that had been pressed into my hand after church on Sunday.

ants-1169349_1920And then there are those who have nothing to give except their thoughts and prayers. Those are most welcome, because faith moves mountains. And sometimes, prayer is a sacrifice too. Because people are busy and the world is a distracting place.

With all that’s happening in our great, big world, all the bad news can easily overwhelm us. But I choose to focus on the good. The ordinary people who seem to be able to cut through the deepest darkness with their bright smiles and loving wishes. Folks who not only know the two most important commandments (according to Jesus–Matthew 22:37-40), but practice them in everyday life.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. ” — Galations 5:22-23

I wonder if they realize, they’re passing on a legacy? A wonderful, beautiful legacy of love.

Has someone surprised you lately with a sacrificial gift or an act of kindness? I’d love to hear about it. Leave it in the comment section or email me via the contact tab above.

If you’d like to know what I’ve been up to, you can find me and my current activities on my Facebook Author page, or on the Owens to Ecuador group page. See you next week!

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